客户成果丨南方科技大学《Nano Letters》:二维铁电场效应晶体管中铁电极化调控二维半导体载流子浓度的微观机理

南方科技大学工学院材料科学与工程系黄博远课题组在扫描微波阻抗显微镜对二维铁电场效应晶体管的研究中取得最新进展,该研究成果以Nanoscale Mapping of Carrier Distribution Regulated by Polarization in 2D FeFETs为题发表在Nano Letters》上。



铁电场效应晶体管FeFET)可以利用铁电材料的极化特性调控半导体沟道的导电状态,具有非易失性存储、类脑突触和负电容等特性。近年来,二维材料在电子器件中的应用日益广泛,尤其在二维铁电场效应晶体管2D FeFET)中,铁电材料与二维半导体材料的结合显著提升了器件性能。这种结合不仅可以一定程度上避免短通道效应和减少界面缺陷,还可以有效提高编/擦除比和存储速度。




来自南方科技大学的黄博远课题组团队,创新性采用原位扫描微波阻抗显微镜sMIM)与压电力显微镜PFM)进行联合表征,在纳米尺度下精确捕捉Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3/MoS2异质结构2D FeFET器件中铁电极化影响的载流子的分布,以及其与铁电畴结构的紧密关联。


Figure 1. Experimental setup and working principle. (a) Schematic diagram of sMIM and PFM tests on a 2D FeFET. (b and c) Schematic of single-point sMIM results: (b) CV curves for n-type semiconductors with various intrinsic carrier concentrations and (c) dC/dV amplitude curve shifted by the underlying polarization. As shown in (a) and (b), a small AC bias is applied to the sample, causing fluctuations in the local capacitance, which is recorded as the dC/dV amplitude.




Figure 2. Comparison of single-point results for MIS (left column) and MFS (right column) samples. (a and e) Schematic diagrams of sMIM experiments and sample structures. (b and f) SS-PFM amplitude and phase loops measured during the OFF state. (c and g) sMIM single-point CV loops. (d and h) dC/dV amplitudeV loops with peak positions corresponding to abrupt changes in above sMIM CV curves. The top-gate voltage VTG is applied through the tip with the substrate grounded for PFM tests, while the bottom-gate voltage VBG is applied through the substrate with the tip grounded for sMIM CV measurements.




Figure 3. Comparison among PFM and sMIM images of the same area. (a) Schematic of the sample structure. (b) AFM topography. (c and d) PFM phase (c) and amplitude (d) images. (e and f) dC/dV (e) and sMIM-C (f) images. These maps reveal a one-to-one correspondence between carrier distribution and the polarization domain.


该研究还进一步通过底栅电压变化,研究2D FeFET极化调控二维半导体载流子浓度的微观机理。研究表明,深入探究极化2D FeFET中的非易失性特性,尤其是它对载流子分布的影响,对于开发下一代高性能存储器、神经形态突触以及其他相关电子器件具有重要的指导意义。


Figure 4. In situ sMIM mappings of the bottom-gate 2D FeFET based on MoS2/PZT/SRO. (a) Optical image of the device with an inset showing the sample structure. (b and c) sMIM-C (b) and dC/dV amplitude (c) images scanned with different VBG values. (d) Normalized CV curve obtained from the average values extracted from the MoS2 region in (b). (e) Transfer curve of the device.


通过这种创新的联合成像方法,该研究不仅为铁-二维半导体异质结中载流子与极化之间的相互作用提供了新的视角,也为未来二FeFET的性能提升提供了重要的实验依据。此外,该团队还提出,未来可以进一步通过低温实验等手段,结sMIMPFM等技术,深入探索电荷注入、机械应变等因素对铁电门控效应的影响,进一步揭示不同铁电材料与半导体材料之间的耦合机制,从而为高性2D FeFET的设计提供更多的数据支持。


该工作中通过使 TuoTuo Technology 的无掩膜光刻机做了铁电场效应晶体管的制备工作。






2024-12-06 10:31